Spot Color Printing vs. CMYK Printing

Spot Color Printing vs. CMYK Printing Spot Color Printing vs. CMYK Printing At Norka, you can expect color accuracy, sharpness, and high quality.  Our in-house prepress printing department ensures your art files are produced with predictable, accurate results.  Whether it’s printed using spot color(s), CMYK, or both, [...]

September 26, 2023|

Late Stage Customization

News & Updates Late Stage Customization Late Stage Customization -- The Right Product at the Right Time Traditionally, products are produced to a forecast.  Often, customers find themselves with the wrong product mix:  too much inventory that isn’t needed and not enough of [...]

September 26, 2023|

Adding Flair with Paperboard Sleeves

Adding Flair with Paperboard Sleeves Paperboard sleeves, bands and wraps are a great way to show off your brand. No matter the industry, we can create a custom, streamlined and functional sleeve. Custom paperboard sleeves provide the right amount of product coverage yet offer a clear view [...]

September 26, 2023|

Automated Solutions for Your Needs

Automated Solutions for Your Needs Packaging Automation can minimize human intervention and can range from a single piece of equipment to a complete packaging line. Reduced labor availability and increased labor costs are driving companies to automate at a faster rate. The Visual Pak Companies employ various [...]

September 26, 2023|

The Importance of Design Files

The Importance of Design Files Design Files: The answer to lower tool costs and faster turnaround. As you know, the design of the thermoform packaging depends on the size and geometry of the product it will hold. Thermoform designs are created in SolidWorks and modeled around the [...]

September 26, 2023|

How Online Retail is Changing Paper-Based Packaging

How Online Retail is Changing Paper-Based Packaging With so much of what we communicate e-mailed, texted, snapped or tweeted, it can feel like we live in digital overload rather than in a human space. How long before we’re all wearing augmented reality glasses as we walk down [...]

September 26, 2023|

What affects Thermoform Design and Cost?

What affects Thermoform Design and Cost? 7 Factors that Influence Thermoform Packaging Design and Cost Whether starting with a blank slate or with particular requirements, the same level of starting detail is required. We’ve outlined vital factors that influence thermoform packaging cost and design. 1. Thermoform Type: [...]

September 26, 2023|

Norka Converting

Norka Converting Stocking materials and sheeting to exact specifications sets us apart from many of our competitors.  We buy roll stock in large quantities and convert (sheet) internally. In-house converting enables Norka to create custom sheet sizes for each order.  We optimize layout and sheet size to [...]

September 26, 2023|

What Makes Up a Tool?

What Makes Up a Tool? What Makes Up a Tool? Tooling: the critical component to product quality 1. DIMENSIONED DRAWINGS The process starts with packaging design, renderings, and a dimensioned drawing. Our packaging and thermoform design teams leverage SolidWorks 3D modeling software to design thermoform packaging. [...]

September 26, 2023|

Anti-Theft Packaging Solutions

Anti-Theft Packaging Solutions Anti-theft Packaging Solutions Presented by Norka One of our customers faced a major issue with pilferage/shoplifting issues with a popular product line – and came to Norka to ask for structural help to combat this continued drain on revenue. The current packaging:  tuck tab [...]

September 26, 2023|
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